We have just received our latest and Greatest review from The World's Greatest Critic, J.C. Macek III.
Allow us to share a story with you. When we seeking press on our previous film, Shoot-Out we contacted a slew of movie critics. We will never forget J.C. Macek's intial reply..
"It's my pleasure to review independent films, just so long as the makers respect the fact that my opinion will be honest and fair, and that it's understood that my writing style is primarily comical. In short, no hurt feelings intended."
Fair enough, as we wanted to hear what the World's Greatest had to say about our film. We figured even if he bashes our project, something good will come out of it. What was the verdict??? He loved "Shoot-Out!!!" He watched it many times over and provided us an amazing Review.
We do not bring up this story to toot our own horns, we bring it up because JC Macek III, who has seen thousands of films, is not an easy critic to please. If a film is poor it is going to be known, and if a film is great it will be praised. We love the way he writes and his comic style which leads to the question...
How did we fair this time around with our latest project, "Honey, I'm Home???"
Here are a couple of quotes from the review
"Worth every second of the viewing...a very unique film"
"Branin's still got a great way with the pen here, and his work feels fully thought out and well-imagined."
Don't stop there, you will want to read the entire review.
Here it is: World's Greatest Critic Reviews Honey I'm Home
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