Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Filmmaker David Branin seeks Producer

My name is David Branin. I am a writer/director looking to team up with a producer on an upcoming short film and potentially my first feature film. I am based in Los Angeles so I am looking for someone in the Los Angeles area.

What I am looking for - Someone who can help me make the best film(s) possible. From collaborating on story, to getting production equipment, and helping to assemble our crew. All the way through meeting deadlines and making it through post-production. And from there, getting every drop of exposure we can from our work. Would love to work with someone who not only has passion for getting the film done, but who is just as excited to promote the film, get it seen, and put us in the best position for distribution.


Tarantino has his Lawrence Bender, Kevin Smith has his Scott Mosier etc. Ideally, that is what I am looking for. That is why I am putting this out to the universe. It is hard to see every project through idea to distribution. That is what I have done and continue to do. I am now leaning on you to join forces with me so we can do this together. You handle your expertise while I handle mine.

Not sure if I will find my producer this way, but I am ready to move forward. I want to see what kind of response this posting will bring me.

My films have not come with the biggest budgets. The short film I am doing next takes place in one apartment. The script is ready and ready to go. It won't cost much to do.

My feature film also takes place in one location and I am sure can be done with a miniscule budget. *Note – Just about to finish the first draft on this feature film. It's not quite there but it is getting close.

My current film, "Honey, I'm Home" was made for less than $100. It's tiny budget did not keep it from winning the Audience Choice Award at HollyShorts in its debut festival. It is now in the early stages of making its rounds on the festival circuit.

I am looking to build a professional relationship with someone who can get things done.

That's really what it comes down to. If you are interested in potentially working with me, I am sure you will do your due diligence. Google my name and research my work. My recent films are "Shoot-Out" and the aforementioned "Honey, I'm Home." My work may not appeal to you. If it doesn't, thank you for taking the time to read this. I understand not everyone who reads this will be a match.

Yet if my work does pique your interest, please send me a note. Tell me about your background, what you have done, and your upcoming goals. Why would we be a good match?

Please contact me at

Thank you for your interest in working with me. Would absolutely love it if you turned out to be the one to help me on these upcoming projects. They are going to be a lot of fun.

My best,
David Branin

PS - You are welcome to forward this to anyone you believe may be interested.

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