Sunday, February 24, 2008

Filmmaker David Branin is "Officially Plugged In"

Want to thank internet entrepreneur Wendy Shepherd, for adding me to her new site entitled "Officially Plugged In" A site that I see gaining in popularity.

Here is a brief rundown about the site,

"Are you concerned about people pretending to be you online? You should! It may seem harmless when people pretend to be someone they aren't. However, it's a form of identity theft and ruins reputations.

If you are in the public eye and have people who look up to you in any way, you will want to be listed here on Officially Plugged In.

People who pretend to be you are considered FAKERS or POSERS. Friends and fans will think they are talking to you. Fakers may wish to meet with your friends/fans, which can cause dangerous situations.

These people are robbing you of your friends and fans along with the support they provide for the hard work you have done.

Many people in the public eye are establishing themselves online, even including links to their MySpace or other social networks. However, there is no uniformity or central site promoting them to help their friends/fans to find them. This is why "Officially Plugged In" was started. This is the first site like it that displays those who confirm their real presence and support to help stamp out fakers/posers."

Here's my "Officially Plugged In" video

PS: I have also just uploaded my latest film "Honey, I'm Home" to MetaCafe. You can watch it in it's entirety. All 5 minutes of it. Check it out, believe you will enjoy it.

1 comment:

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