Friday, February 20, 2009

Would you like to get YOUR NAME in 'Night Before the Wedding' Ending Credits?

Well the good new is that it is not too late, though the window is beginning to close.

Here’s the overall update on our first feature film, “Night Before the Wedding.” This film is one that we have been working on since September 2007. We have put in a lot of energy and effort to see our dream of completing this first feature film.

We are proud to say that we are almost there having achieved picture-lock last week. That means all that remains is color correction, sound design and music. The credit roll at the end of the film will be finalized as well. We are aiming to have this work done by March.

We initiated a ‘Pre-Order’ DVD campaign before we shot the film. Those who are showing support and faith in our project, we are rewarding by thanking them in our film’s credits and on our website (which we are redesigning).

So if you would like to become part of this campaign, now is a great time. Another perk of ordering now is that it guarantees you will see the film before it reaches the mainstream. (Due to a variety of distribution factors, we cannot say when that will be.)

Everyone who has pre-ordered the DVD will receive a limited-edition DVD with the completed movie.

To pre-order “Night Before the Wedding,” please visit
Enter the site and click on the banner on top of the screen.

To order offline, you are welcome to send a $15 check
payable to Glimpse of Dreams, LLC.

Glimpse of Dreams Productions
8314 Jayseel Street
Sunland, CA 91040

If you cannot order a DVD at this time, you can also show your support by signing on to be a ‘Fan’ on our Facebook Fan Page. Just log in and click on ‘Become a Fan’

And become our friend on Myspace

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