Thursday, January 10, 2008

Over 5000 Views for "Honey, I’m Home" in 1st month on!!!

A lot of fans and friends are finding and discovering "Honey, I'm Home" over at I have been pleasantly surprised to see 5000+ views in it's first month on the Cruxy website.

Want to thank those of you who are purchasing our film through the site (Cruxy makes it easy by allowing you to use Paypal, Google Checkout, or your Credit Card, easily and securely). I am putting my proceeds towards the budget of my upcoming debut feature film. So, when you pay $0.99 you are doing more than just buying to view "Honey, I'm Home". You are helping to raise beginning funds for my first feature film. Your support has been a tremendous boost to me. Thank you.

There is a free one minute preview of "Honey, I'm Home" on Cruxy as well. Here is the direct link,

More about

Cruxy leverages its core platform technology and knowledge of digital content delivery to provide custom solutions for our media partners. We can power social distribution of media so that fans can, legally, present it, blog it, and promote it. We can power direct digital commerce transactions quickly and securely using industry leading technology. We can create a presence in Second Life that goes beyond buildings or avatars and smartly syndicates media through out the (virtual) world.

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